Invest in Kainuu

The Invest in Kainuu team is dedicated to the promotion and facilitation of inward investment to the Kainuu region in central Finland.

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Spearhead industries in Kainuu

Spearhead industries in Kainuu are tourism, the technology industry (metal and ICT), bioeconomy and sustainable mining. They are based on the region’s permanent assets, natural resources and their sustainable processing into products and services as well as strong expertise. The spearhead industries have great growth potential in domestic and export markets. Bolstering exports is a precondition for sustainable economic development in Kainuu.

The spearhead industries are the focus of special attention in industrial development. However, development resources are allocated to businesses with the highest impact in terms of regional development and in line with the objectives, regardless of the industry.


Does your company need information about the tourism sector or creative industries in Kainuu, or data concerning tourists? Are you planning investments or new business in Kainuu? Would you like to join tourism or creative industry networks in Kainuu?

Contact the Regional Council of Kainuu about questions related to tourism, culture or regional marketing in Kainuu, and we will help you with the next steps!

I'll help you get started!

Minna Komulainen

Aluekehitysasiantuntija. Matkailun ja kulttuurin toimialavastaava, aluemarkkinointi, innovaatiot, IPR, Kainuun matkailufoorumin koordinaattori, Visit Finland -yhteistyö, kansainvälinen matkailu, matkailu-investoinnit ja sijoittuminen Kainuuseen, matkailun tietopalvelu ja verkostot, toimialan tilannekuvatieto

044 4100 726


Are you planning new bioeconomy sector business or investments in Kainuu? Do you need situational awareness related to the bioeconomy sector? Are you looking for cooperation networks in this field, or information about different project funding opportunities?

Contact the Regional Council of Kainuu about questions related to bioeconomy, and we will help you with the next steps!

Jouni Ponnikas Kainuun Liitto

I'll help you get started!

Jouni Ponnikas

Aluekehitysjohtaja. Hanketoiminta ja -hallinnointi, biotalous, kehittämisrahoitus, toimialan tilannekuvatieto

040 574 0804

Sustainable mining

Does your company need situational awareness about the extractive industry in Kainuu? Are you planning new business or investments in this sector in Kainuu?

Contact the Regional Council of Kainuu about questions related to the extractive industry, and we will help you with the next steps!

Eero Vilhu Kainuun Liitto

I'll help you get started!

Eero Vilhu

Aluekehitysasiantuntija. Hanketoiminta ja -hallinnointi, kaivannaistoimiala, rahoitus, Eurooppatiedotus (Europe Direct Kainuu -tiedotuspiste), koulutus ja osaaminen, toimialan tilannekuvatieto

044 710 0861

Technology industry

Does your company need situational awareness about the data centre and telecommunications services sector in Kainuu? Are you planning business or investment in this sector in Kainuu? Are you looking for networks of this sector in Kainuu, or do you need information about different possibilities of getting support?

Contact the Regional Council of Kainuu about questions related to ICT, data centre and telecommunications services, and we will help you with the next steps!

Paula Karppinen Kainuun Liitto

I'll help you get started!

Paula Karppinen

Aluekehityspäällikkö. Teknologiateollisuus, datakeskus- ja dataekosysteemit, laajakaista, hanketoiminta ja -hallinnointi, kehittämisrahoitus, toimialan tilannekuvatieto

044 710 0867