Checkmarks for changes of ownership
Acquisitions and changes of ownership
Acquisitions are made for a variety of reasons. Some entrepreneurs wish to sell their business and retire. For others, acquisitions and buying companies can be an essential part of their growth strategy.
An acquisition is an arrangement for purchasing either the company’s shares or its business.
In an asset deal the company sells all of its business or part of it to the buyer, and the sale price is paid to the seller company. In many cases, the buyer also acquires customer and contractual relationships in the deal.
In a share deal the company’s shareholders sell their shares in the company to the buyer. In this deal, the buyer takes on all the rights and obligations resulting from the share ownership, including debts and liabilities.
Selling a company
Preparations for selling a company should be started well in advance; the business should be in a good shape as a whole and not dependent on the current entrepreneur before it is sold.
Are you interested in enterprising but do not have a business idea?
Buying a company is a good way of starting out as an entrepreneur
An acquisition or change of generation can also be your first step to enterprising. As the company has not only a ready-made customer base and reputation but also a tried and tested business idea, you can get up and running straight away. You should consider an acquisition when a company that fits in with your business idea is for sale, or you can find a company whose mission and potential you believe in and which is available.
Buying a company or its business is a worthwhile option if you are thinking of expanding or setting up a business. A lot of time, work and information is required for a change of ownership. The entrepreneur needs advice on the methods of carrying out the change of ownership, valuation of the company, taxation practices related to a change of ownership, the requisite contracts and financing of the change of ownership.
Yrityspörssi is a forum for enterprising. On this web service, you can find companies for sale and opportunities for entrepreneurs in business chains, and you can also advertise your intention to buy a company on this site.
Rely on expert help
A key objective of the Yritysten Jatkumo (Business continuation) project administered by Kainuun Yrittäjät is to promote changes of ownership in Kainuu.

I'll help you get started!
Anu Tervonen
CEO of Kainuun Yrittäjät, off work.