Competence, experts and labour force
Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK)
Kajaani University of Applied Sciences’ research, development and innovation (RDI) activities focus on developing customers’ products, services and processes and on needs-based, applied research.
KAMK’s strategic objective is to draw on the expertise and growth potential of the operating environment sustainably and to promote opportunities for continuous learning. Further information on KAMK’s efforts to promote the prerequisites for continuous learning and on specialisation training for the world of work, visit: Conversion and specialisation training KAMK’s fields of well-being competence comprise the social and health sector, sports and Sports and Leisure Management. For more information on well-being and competence services for working life, visit Working life services – Kajaani University of Applied Sciences.

I'll help you get started!
Mikko Keränen
Tutkimus-, kehittämis- ja innovaatiotoiminnan johtaja. Hankerahoitusosaaminen, tuote- ja palvelukehitys

I'll help you get started!
Mikko Saari
Kehitysjohtaja. Jatkuva oppiminen, digitaaliset oppimisympäristöt, hyvinvointi
Kainuu Vocational College
Kainuu Vocational College offers customers and partners opportunities for continuous competence development. Strengthening its cooperation with working life is one of the College’s key strategic objectives. Working together with the world of work, partners and stakeholders, we are actively developing our operations with both external and internal funding. Funding providers for the College’s projects include the ELY Centre for Northern Ostrobothnia in ESF projects, the ELY Centre for Kainuu, the Regional Council of Kainuu, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Finnish National Agency for Education. In internationalisation projects, the main funding provider is the Erasmus + programme administered by the Finnish National Agency for Education. New study and teaching materials and practices are being developed in international cooperation projects. The objective of Kainuu Vocational College’s international activities is to create possibilities for gaining experience of working in the increasingly international world of work for students and staff.

I'll help you get started!
Anu Kuosmanen
Rehtori, Kainuun ammattiopisto
Kajaani University Consortium
Kajaani University Consortium is a network-based scientific community tasked to raise the level of education and competence in its area and to serve business life through research and education. The University Consortium interacts with the rest of society and enhances the regional impact of universities. The University Consortium is coordinated by the University of Oulu, and the Universities of Eastern Finland, Jyväskylä and Lapland each have their agreed areas of responsibility in it. Kajaani University Consortium is a separate institute of the University of Oulu.
CEMIS network
CEMIS is a research and training centre specialising in measurement and information systems. Together with research institutes and companies, CEMIS provides contract-based research, development and innovation services. As a rule, the services are delivered in form of co-financed projects. The services are additionally offered as assignments from individual companies, technology studies, market research and theses. CEMIS is continuously working on around thirty RDI projects, and its service range covers the development and testing needs of the product development, manufacturing and operational phases. In addition to product testing, the services enable the production and testing of prototype series and documentation of test results. CEMIS Business Development (CBD) is an expert unit of technology commercialisation and business development at CEMIS. CBD provides a broad range of expert services and consultations to CEMIS members, research and development organisations and companies on successful commercialisation of technologies, business model innovation, and conduct of market research on national and international markets.

I'll help you get started!
Anas Al Natsheh
Johtava liiketoiminnan kehitysasiantuntija. Teknologioiden ja innovaatioiden kaupallistaminen, teknologialiiketoiminnan ja liiketoimintamallien kehittäminen. Tekoälyn ja digitalisaation hyödyntäminen, sekä TKI-projektien valmistelun tukeminen.