Checkmarks for recruitment

Do you need help with recruitments or advice on being an employer?

Contact an expert!

TE Office recruitment services

Contact Kainuu TE Office when you are looking for employees. We know the workers and the labour market in our region. We will help you find the perfect experts.

  • We will publish your vacancies on the agreed channels.
  • We can advise you on questions related to filling a vacancy.
  • We will look for suitable candidates and introduce them to the employer.
  • We will train employees directly for an employer’s needs.
  • We provide help with international placements through the EURES services.
  • TE-live is a channel that gives visibility to recruitments, saves time and helps build a positive employer image. In a recruitment broadcast you can tell applicants more about your organisation’s values and work culture and answer their questions straight away.

Contact information for TTE Office recruitment services


Phone: 029 503 9001


Looking for talent?

Find ideal employees through RekryKainuu. Our recruitment channel and services are available free of charge to support your company’s recruitment process and the building of your employer image.

Book an interactive TE-live recruitment broadcast that allows you to reach hundreds and even thousands of jobseekers in your field. We also produce short documentary ‘Pursuing a career’ videos for companies to support them in building their employer image. We always tailor the content to the company’s needs for talent.

In addition to these productions, we offer free online training aiming to improve the company’s recruitment skills. The course consists of seven modules dealing with general issues that you should know about in relation to today’s recruitments; from selecting the right channels to providing induction training for the suitable candidate. Join us and learn about the transformation of job-seeking and recruitments, avoid the most common mistakes and develop your company by recruiting skilled employees.

TE-live recruitment broadcast

Every recruitment is an important investment in the future of your organisation. TE-live offers visibility for your recruitment process, saves you time and gives you the opportunity to enhance your employer image. In a recruiting broadcast you can present the values and work culture of your organisation more thoroughly and answer the jobseekers’ questions all at once, giving potential applicants a better view of what you are really looking for.

Contact us – together we can lay the groundwork for a successful recruitment!

Recruiting international talent

How can I get started?

Consider which skills the future employee should have, how much money should be budgeted for the recruitment, and what the planned schedule for the recruitment process is. In an international recruitment it is also a good idea to consider if you are looking for an employee in the EU/EEA area, third countries or all areas.

It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure at the start of the employment relationship that the new employee has the right to practise their profession. In Finland, official recognition of professional qualifications, legalisation of the right to practice a profession or registration of a protected title is required in certain professions.

Recruitment companies offer services for the different stages of the recruitment process. The organisation can entrust the entire recruitment process to experts of this field. Many staff leasing agencies also have operations in third countries that support international recruitments.

Service path for an international recruitment

Teemu Ahtonen-TE

I'll help you get started!

Teemu Ahtonen

Yritysneuvoja. EURES-palvelut. Kansainvälinen rekrytointi

08 8191100

Mari Möttönen-ELY

I'll help you get started!

Mari Möttönen

Team Finland kasvu- ja kansainvälistymiskoordinaattori. Yrityksen kansainvälistymisneuvonta, kansainvälistymisen rahoitus, Team Finland -palvelut, kv-osaajan rekrytointi

029 502 3570

Help your new employee feel at home in Kainuu

Are you hiring or planning to hire international talent for your company from abroad? How could you help your new employee and their family settle in Kainuu as well as possible, however without spending an unreasonable amount of your resources on it? Use the City of Kajaani’s free International Info service to support the integration of an employee coming from abroad.

Karoliina Oikarinen

I'll help you get started!

Karoliina Oikarinen

Hankepäällikkö, Kansainväliset ammattilaiset, opiskelijat ja heidän perheensä kotona Kainuussa

044 710 1442

Local services in your municipality

Seppo Räisänen-Kajaani


Seppo Räisänen

Yritysneuvoja. Uudet liikeideat, aloittavan yrittäjän palvelut, yritysten rahoitus ja investoinnit, kasvu ja kehittäminen

044 710 0115

Kari Backman-Sotkamo


Kari Backman

Yritysasiantuntija. Yrityksen perustamis-, rahoitus ja toimitilaneuvonta

044 750 2552

Kari Malinen Kuhmo


Kari Malinen

Yritysneuvoja, elinkeinopalvelut

044 7255 301

Salla Korhonen-Paltamo


Salla Korhonen

Kehitysjohtaja. Suurhankkeet, toimitilat ja tontit, yleinen neuvonta, hankerahoitukset

044 288 5660

Pekka Oikarinen-Hyrynsalmi


Pekka Oikarinen


044 7104 401

Oiva Jansson-Ristijärvi


Oiva Jansson

Kehittämispäällikkö. Taloushallinto

044 715 9311

Heikki Kanniainen-Puolanka


Heikki Kanniainen


040 830 6592


Miia Moilanen

Työllisyysasiantuntija. Työllisyyspalvelut, starttiraha, työllisyyden kuntaraha

044 777 3126