Employer – find a employee!
Studies at a university of applied sciences include a five-month traineeship in a company or work organisation as well as projects with working life relevance. Students can produce their thesis and dissertations as assignments ordered by companies or work organisations.
KAMK kaura career service is a platform where you can recruit new talent by offering jobs and traineeships as well as topics for theses and projects. Through this service, you can effectively reach higher education students and graduates with expertise in engineering, business, tourism, social and health care and sports. You can also use the haavi functionality to search for new talent in the service without publishing an advertisement. NB! When you are reaching out to KAMK’s international talent, please also publish your advertisement in English.
This service is free for employers!
Employer, are you looking for workers?
Are you looking for workers, or would you like to offer a student a job under a training or apprenticeship agreement?
KAORekry enables you to reach students and graduates of Kainuu Vocational College. Employers can register with the service free of charge, network, and start cooperating with Kainuu Vocational College. Once we have approved the networking request, the employer will be able to publish targeted job advertisements to the College’s students. Using KAORekry is free for companies.
Recruit students using a single, free channel
Kajaani University of Applied Sciences and Kainuu Vocational Collage use Tiitus! This means that as an employer, you can reach both upper secondary and higher education students with a single business profile.